PATH OF THE MAGICIAN: REBIRTH April 15-17, 2016 New Lebanon, New York Spring is coming! Are you ready to step onto the next level of your life journey? Would you like the new doors to open up for you? Give birth to your new self at the Path of Magician retreat. Uncover your inner magic and shine like a Star! Be reborn as a Magician FEATURING: * NEW: Path of Magician Rebirth Ritual * NEW: Tantric Practices Sexual Magic * Fire Walking Ceremony * Body Cleanse with Raw Liquid Diet * Sauna with Venik (Platza) and Brook …and more Path of magician rebirth ritual: - Heal birth and ancestral trauma - Make a full hearted and conscious choice to to be born - Conceive and envision your new life myth - Step into into your birthright magic ************************************************************* Body Cleansingand Raw Diets Throughout the three days of the retreat, we will be consuming a special cleanse and abstaining from consuming anything but RAW food. Our cleanse is rich in antioxidants and consists of organic Chlorophyllrich greens in a blended form combined with our “special sauce”. This is a DEEP cleanse that is based on eating food that is as close to cellulargrown and as alive as possible. It is a blend by Vitamix, which is based entirely on blended, organic, easily digestible, living (raw) plant foods. Unlike many other cleanses, you will be purifying yourself by eating an abundance of the nutrition necessary for optimum health. You will not feel deprived or hungry. This detox is based on the approach of the Ann Wigmore Institute. As your body frees itself from extra pounds and toxins, your life will also free itself from burden. You will feel the effects of the cleanse almost immediately as your mental, physical, and psychic energies begin to realign. The space will be created to attract new things into your life. When we physically let go of what we no longer need, we also cleanse on a mental and emotional level. Space is created to invite new things into our lives. ************************************************************* Fire Walking Once you start doing the impossible, you can conquer the other fires of your life with ease. Storm across a bed of hot coals between 1,200 and 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Once you start doing the impossible (or at least what you thought was impossible), you can conquer the other fires of your life with ease. Firewalking teaches a profound lesson about the power of the mind, and the effect that our thoughts and beliefs have on our experience of reality. It is a practical way of confirming our instincts and validating our intuition. _____________________________________________ Process Work ProcessOriented Psychology or Process Work as developed by Dr. Arnold Mindell (www.aamindell.net) is an awareness practice centered in the belief that the solution to a problem is contained within the disturbance itself. It is an innovative approach to individual and collective change that brings psychology, spirituality, and creative expression together in a single paradigm. It provides practical tools and interventions to reveal deeper meaning and patterns in challenging experiences, specifically: Dancing with conflicts Dealing with needs, expectations and disappointments Understanding the spirit of the relationship and its deeper meaning in your life journey. More Information About our Retreats can be found here: http://pathofthemagician.tumblr.com/ Registration and Logistics: Program Details: Location: New Lebanon, NY/Berkshire Mountains (details will be sent out to registered attendees) www.galianaretreat.com Duration:The program runs from Friday, April 15 (8 pm) to Sunday April 15 pm. Checkin begins on Friday April 15 at 6 pm. Program Price per Person: $310 Discounts: ● Early Bird: $240 per person (*Must be purchased before March 20, 2015*) ● Refer a Friend Rebate: $35 OFF per person ● Couple Rebate: $50 OFF per couple Accommodations For The Weekend Per Person: ● Dorm: $100 per person ● SemiPrivate Room $130 person ● Nearby Hotel: http://www.silvermaplefarm.com/ Raw Liquid Food Cleanse: $80 per person (You can also bring your own food if you are choosing not to do the cleanse) Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/path-of-the-magician-rebirth-tickets-2254620