I am an Owl
It's this time of the year... Halloween. Earlier in October I became obsessed with the idea of making an owl mask, after I pet an owl at...

Japanese dragons
My trip to Japan was an incredible journey, and there were many aspects of the country and its culture that fascinated me. One of the...

South American Shamanism
I have been immersed in South American shamanism since 2011. My journey led me to spend time in the Peruvian Amazon jungles, and later, I...

How I restored my creative balance through neuroart.
Last weekend was quite eventful for me. I made a trip to New York, which, by the way, is now only a 2.5-hour drive away. During the...

Terrapia school of transformation annual retreat. Oct 7, 2017
On Saturday, we embarked on a day-long journey filled with sensory experiences, including sensual yoga, shamanic breathwork, a Russian...

Art Therapy with the elements of Imagery work and Neuroart Margarita Amrita Schwartzman will be presenting a very unique method of self...

Wabi-Sabi healing arts
Let’s make art that heals! Multimedia arts with Maya Malioutina. We will use the creative process of making art to improve a person’s...

New groups in New York and Boston will start in September 2017.
Dear friends, TERRApia School of Transformation opens doors for a new students. New groups in New York and Boston will start in September...

Practical, effective and fun tools for working on your own relationships and helping others.
Next program starts May 6, 2017. Class dates: September 16. Program price $480, 20% discount if prepaid till July 30 Location:...