Elena Veselago Family Constellation seminars
Семинары Елены Веселаго в Нью Йорке. 23 -27 Октября регистрация здесь Елена ВЕСЕЛАГО (Москва) - расстановщик и полевой терапевт с...

Awaken your magic and become the architect of your own life. December 9 - 11, 2016 Be Reborn as a Magician What does it mean to live your...

Family constellation May 22, 2016 Looking at the past to heal the future
Sun, 22 May, 2 - 7 PM 250 ave X, 2nd floor, Brooklyn, NY Seminar leader Dina Ostrovsky. Please call 973 896 9320 for free interview ...

Family constellation Apr 30, 2016 Looking at the past to heal the future
Sat, 30 April, 2 - 7 PM 4497 Bedford ave betwen X and Y Seminar leader Dina Ostrovsky. Please call 973 896 9320 for free interview ...

Family constellation. Looking at the past to heal the future. March 15, 26
Seminar leader Dina Ostrovsky. Please call 973 896 9320 for free interview Tue, March 15, 6.30 PM 15 Orchard St, Bloomfield, NJ 07003,...

Family constellation. Looking at the past to heal the future. Feb 16, 20, 28
Seminar leader Dina Ostrovsky. Please call 973 896 9320 for free interview Feb 16, Tuesday, 6.30pm - 10pm TERRApia studio, 15 Orchard...

Working with a couple on their relationship using Process work & family Constellation approaches
I facilitated a session today with a couple working to resolve some issues with their relationship. This was a beautiful yogi couple,...

Money - Creativity Workshop
Review your relationship with Business, Money and Creativity Play, research, reflect, transform, heal. This workshop will help you to get...
Family Constellation Description
This description is the prototype group Family Constellation as developed by Bert Hellinger in the 1990s. Many practitioners have blended...

System and Family Constellations workshop
Each of us is a link in a chain spanning countless generations. It is not surprising that at times we are “paying off the debts” of our...